Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another 48 hours at Sound Temple Studios

Well the back wall of the control room is nearly done except for the RPG diffusers. The custom equipment credenza (built by a terrific cabinet maker and bass player - Rob Geisler) was installed just a couple of hours ago. The iso-booths should be done tomorrow after we made a small change with the sound panels. The live room is done and the final wiring is well on it's way. Also, the Zero Seals are being added to every door to create a sound seal at every door opening. It;'s very exciting and overwhelming. I am blessed to have such a great crew. Tony Brett and his team and Thom Canova and his team are ROCKING IT as is my trim carpenter Don Thompson and my electrician Bob Hendrickson. Man it's crowded down there.

Namaste from Sound Temple Studios in Asheville N.C.

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