Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Here; comes the final acoustic treatments for Sound Temple Studios

Well the final push to complete the Sound Temple Studios in Asheville N.C. is well underway. Two truck loads of acoustics have arrived! Everything is on schedule to be complete Dec 21st after a delay with the acoustical panels. The good news is all those acoustical panels are here! Brett Acoustics has bee putting up the track for the 705 acoustical material and putting in insulation for the soffit base trapping. The control room window is being built as I type as well. Since my last post, all the doors and most of the glass has been installed and lots of trim. The musicians lounge and artists suite is also complete. The Yamaha C-6 Grand Piano was also delivered last week and is getting used to it's new home in the "Piano Booth". The wiring crew arrives this sunday to start the final wiring and then the final pics and room tuning is scheduled with Wes Lachot (the amazing designer) on Dec 21st. More soon. I'm so thankful to see this final stage here at last!

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